Adanac Security manufactures and installs
Bullet Resistant Barriers for existing banking cabinetry and new construction. Corporate retail bullet resistant packages are also available. Our professional installation and maintenance expertise, industry compatibility and the attractive appeal make Adanac’s bullet resistant models an excellent choice for bullet protecting your particular environment.
We understand that each facility and environment requires a unique solution to fully reach its required level of security. In order to implement and install a turn-key bullet resistive solution Adanac Security’s experienced engineers are specialists in designing a tailor-made solution for your specialty security needs.
Our factory trained bonded service technicians and consultants ensure on-going operation efficiency and reduced transaction turn-around times enabling your business and its customers an optimized level of service and security.
Adanac bullet resistant security systems consist of:
Each kit includes UL listed:
If you require Bullet Resistant Products incorporated into a corporate retail environment we manufacture and install a sliding section at the deal tray. The door and frame assemblies are optional. These products are available in a Level Three ballistic security.