After all we all think of those strange folk who sacrifice all for the environment and tie themselves to trees in front of bulldozers and blow up whaling ships – but seriously, what does it actually mean to be an environmentally friendly company.
Well, to start off with, the three most important things that affect our surroundings and environment in the workplace, and where we can save the most is:
Saving on all the little things adds up to the big things – saving pennies leads to saving pounds. Let’s face facts ,in to-days economic climate, it is essential that we all save on every little thing that we can – if costs are kept low in the work place this could mean a lot to the revenue of companies, preventing job losses. This is where recycling plays a really important role.
Adanac Security is an environmentally friendly safe company and right from the outset trains and encourages all their employees to be creative and environmentally aware, encouraging new ideas , keeping an open mind to come up with new and inventive ideas on how to be more environmentally conscious.
Right from the initial stages of manufacturing , Adanac uses eco friendly products , and has a conscious focus on the impact on the environment.
Right from the initial stages of manufacturing , Adanac uses eco friendly products , and has a conscious focus on the impact on the environment.
There are various ways that waste can be averted in any work environment.
Adanac Security is Canada’s leading environmental and eco-friendly safe company.